Project Associate

(Senior Project Associate)

Faculty Details

  • Qualification Ph.D (2022) Department of Geoinformatics , University of Kashmir
  • Specialization Air quality, Aerosols, Meteorology, Aerosol-Snow Interaction
  • Email
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Mr. Mudasir Ahmad Bhat has completed his Masters and M.Phil. in Geoinformatics from the Department of Geoinformatics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. He has recently submitted his Ph.D. thesis titled “Ground and Satellite based observations of aerosols in Srinagar city and their radiative forcing” in Geoinformatics. He is working as Project Associate in the National Himalayan Cryospheric Research Laboratory in a DST sponsored Centre of Excellence for Glacial studies in Western Himalaya project since October 2021. Mudasir Ahmad is studying the impacts of aerosols on snow and glacier resources of NW-Himalaya using Ground, Satellite and Modelling approaches. The main research thrust is to investigate the Black Carbon-induced snow albedo reduction over Kashmir valley glaciers and its contribution to glacier melting. Black carbon, considered as the second most contributor to the global warming is being monitored over many valley glaciers in Kashmir and Ladakh regions using highly sensitive portable Aethalometer (AE42-7HS). He  is using different modelling approaches (HYSPLIT, TrajStat, PMF) to identifying the potential regional hotspots of BC and transport pathways to NW-Himalaya. Mudasir, had published his research work in many high impact scientific journals like Environmental Pollution (IF: 8.1), Science of The Total Environment (IF: 7.9), Atmospheric Environment (IF: 4.8) and Geocarto International (IF: 4.9) and has  nearly 170 citations.